Palu, C Sulawesi (Antara Bali) - Coordinating Minister for Culture and Human Resources Development Puan Maharani will officially launch international maritime event Sail Tomini 2015 and Boalemo Festival on May 5 in Jakarta.
"As the host, the provincial administration of Central Sulawesi wants to make the launch of Sail Tomini 2015 a success," Deputy Governor of Central Sulawesi Soedarto said here Wednesday while chairing a coordinating meeting that discussed the launch preparations.
The peak event of Sail Tomini will be organized in Pangi Beach, Parigi Moutong district, Central Sulawesi, on September 19, 2015, while Boalemo Festival will be held in Gorontalo as part of the Sail Tomini activities.
The local artists of Central Sulawesi will perform traditional dances, such as Pontanu, Yele Fula, and Vose Sakaya dances, to entertain guests attending Sail Tomini. Gorontalo's artists will perform a Saronde dance.
The president director of state-owned postal company PT Pos and District Head of Parigi Moutong Syamsurizal Tombolotutu will sign a Memorandum of Understanding for printing Sail Tomini stamps.
The organizing committee has set up a media center for reporters covering the seventh annual Sail Indonesia. The previous Sail Indonesia events included Sail Raja Ampat 2014. (WDY)