Bandung (Antara Bali) - Incessant torrential rain has triggered floods in seven West Java districts causing thousands of residential houses to be swamped by water on Sunday.
Based on data at West Java's Natural Disasters Mitigation Agency (BPBD) on Sunday, the districts which were flooded by waters were Karawang, Bandung, Bekasi, Subang, Indramayu and Kota Depok.
Most of the floods in those districts were caused by the overflows of rivers that ran down through the resettlement areas, or by the breaking down of dikes.
The West Java BPDB and its branches in district areas are now taking the necessary steps to overcome the floods and to help evacuees.
"Evacuation has been carried out in flood affected areas. The BPDB is assisted by volunteers, police and military personnel," a BPDB official said.
Floods were caused by the overflowing of a river in Karawang and the damage to dikes which were knocked down by swift water current in Subang and Indramayu.
The same also happened with the floods in Baleendah of Bandung District where the Citraum River overflew its banks. Thousands of houses in Bandung Selatan district were inundated.
"Floods continues to expand and water inundation continued to increase since Saturday," Suherman, a resident of Cieunteung Baleendah, said. (*/DWA)