Yogyakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Railway Company (KAI) is planning to build electric train (KRL) lines connecting Yogyakarta and Solo.
"The results of a study and detail engineering design for the construction of electric train lines has been proposed (to the House of Representatives). We are waiting for the DPR's approval to ensure the fund for the project," director general of train safety at the Transportation Ministry Hermanto Dwi Atmoko said here on Monday.
He said if the plan is approved by the DPR, the construction of 120-km electric train lines can be started in 2014.
The construction of every kilometer of electric train lines will cost Rp3.5 billion, he said. "If the construction work can be carried out according to schedule, the electric train lines will go into service in 2017," he said. (*/M038)