Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) will set up command posts along the way from Merak to Java's northern highway to provide medical services for 2013 Lebaran holiday travelers.
"We feel compelled to help provide medical assistance for the holiday travelers by setting up command posts along the way from Merak in Banten province to the Java's northern highway as we have done so since 2000s," IDI spokesman Zainal Abidin said here on Friday.
Zainal said IDI will post one doctor and several nurses and volunteers at each command post to provide medical services for the riders of motorcycles and private cars.
"At the command posts the travelers will not only have medical assistance but they can also take a rest or get medical consultation," he noted.
According to him, some command post will even provide professional masseurs to give the weary travelers massage. (*/DWA)