Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian government has issued state securities (SBN) at a gross value of Rp533.8 trillion by the end of August 2016, Director General of Financing and Risk Management at the Finance Ministry Robert Pakpahan said.
The figure represented 87.31 percent of the gross target of Rp611.38 trillion set in the revised 2016 state budget, he said in a press conference here on Monday.
"Our strategy must not be rigid as the financial condition always changes. The Finance Ministry also supports sharia-compliant state securities because it plays an important role in the sharia industry as a whole," he said.
He said Rp157.4 trillion out of Rp533.8 trillion worth of state securities constitute sharia compliant state securities (SBSN).
The sharia compliant state securities accounted for 29 percent of the total state securities at Rp533.8 trillion, he said.
By the end of August 2016, the sharia compliant state securities comprised Rp124 trillion in domestic currency and Rp33.4 trillion in foreign currency.
Meanwhile, the net amount of state securities issued until the end of August 2016 reached Rp355.9 trillion, accounting for 97.56 percent of the net target.
"The net target of state securities set in the revised 2016 state budget is Rp364.8 trillion, while the realization of multiproducts reached 97.56 percent," he said..(WDY)