Ternate, N Maluku (Antara Bali) -- An investor from Canada has expressed interest to develop an electricity generator in Ternate, North Maluku province, which will be fueled by waste and will help to manage garbage in the city.
Head of the Health Department of Ternate Rizal Muhammad said here on Saturday that the annual growth of garbage in the city showed an increase, which is why they need an investor to manage waste and turn it into something useful.
"The Canadian investor said that they have a generator prepared. While the machine will need 150 tons of waste per day, Ternate generates more than the required amount of garbage. However, the local administration is still waiting for the investor to be ready," Muhammad explained.
The proposal to establish cooperation to manage waste and to use it as a source of electricity was made a long time ago. However, the Health Department of Ternate did not follow it up.
"Despite having met the investor, we have yet to receive any confirmation from them," Muhammad pointed out.
So far, the Health Department of Ternate has managed waste in a dumping ground in Takome village. There, it is processed into methane gas.
The methane gas generated is then used to fuel steam generators to produce electricity.
"We use methane gas to provide 24-hour access to electricity. The generator can turn on the lights in the garbage dumping area," he added.
Muhammad further noted that the two areas of Kendari and Ternate in eastern Indonesia have potential to serve as locations to develop a garbage-sourced generator. (WDY)