Pontianak (Antara Bali) - Official from the National Anti-Narcotics Body (BNN) Mariani said illegal drug use is to cause Rp57 trillion loss to Indonesia this year which is an increase if compared to 2008's number of Rp25 trillion.
"Calculation is based on the money spent to buy illegal drugs, medical treatment for drug users, rehabilitation and other activities related to it," said the BNN's Chief of Non Therapeutic Community Sub Unit.
She added a national survey conducted by BNN and the University of Indonesia last 2011 showed that the number of drug users in Indonesia also increased from 3.1-3.6 million people (1.9 percent of total population) in 2008 to 3.8 million in 2011 (2.2 percent of the country's total population).
According to the results of a national survey conducted by BNN and University of Indonesia (UI) in 2011, of the 3.8-4.7 million drug users, about one-third used performance-boost drug Amphetamine-Type Stimulants (ATS), 1.2 million used Crystalline Methamphetamine (popularly known as Shabu) and 950,000 others used ecstasy. (*/M038)