Hong Kong (Antara Bali) - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) said it will promote cooperation with the National Narcotics Control Commission of China (NNCC) to stop rampant illegal drug trafficking between the two countries.
"We already have cooperation and we are committed to promote cooperation in wider scope to stamp out the illicit trade," BNN chief Anang Iskandar said before he left here for Singapore on Sunday night.
Anang was to attend an Asean official meeting on drug trafficking in Singapore from Aug 24-27.
Anang said Indonesia has become an important route and market target for international drug syndicates in this region.
Various types of illicit drugs are smuggled into Indonesia by organized syndicates because of the high market demand in the country, he said.
The main targets are young people who make a large part of the Indonesian population, he added.
BNN has identified routes of international drug syndicates also covering China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Western Africa, he said.
The syndicates smuggled various types of illegal drugs into Indonesia including amphetamine type stimulants' (ATS), ecstasy and methamphetamine crystals.
"One of the biggest producers is Guangzhou, in the province of Guangdong, China," Anang said.
Based on a report issued by NNCC almost 13.7 tons of methamphetamine crystals are produced in China in 2014 and 75 percent fo which were produced in the province of Guangdong and 6 percent in Sichuan.
The report said part of the production was exported including to Indonesia.
Cottage industries have grown in China producing heroine and other illegal drugs.
Like Indonesia , China has declared itself being in a state of narcotic emergency.
Indonesia drew international protest when executing a number of foreign drug convicts earlier this year. (WDY)