Denpasar (Antara Bali) - An International Bali Mediators Festival (IBMF) with participants from various countries and several cities in Indonesia will be held in Ubud, Bali, from September 20 to 23, 2012.
Head of the festival's organizing committee Hadi Susanto said in Denpasar Tuesday that the festival designed by Anand Krishna, a world spiritual leader and founder of Anand Ashram foundation, is themed One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind, Towards Global Peace and Interfaith Harmony through Meditation.
He said the festival, the fourth this year, is expected to have more participants from all parts of the world.
This time the activity will be addressed by international speakers from various world spiritual organizations on sciences, experiences and mediation techniques or yoga.
"The vision of the festival is to spread awareness, policies, and care for one's fellowman and environment to bring about a bright and healthy community holistically," he said.
He said the festival is also supporting Bali as a world spiritual tourist destination a future hope of the island paradise.(IGT/T007)