Nusa Dua (Antara Bali) - The five-day UN conference on the protection of ozone layer wound up here on Friday with the adoption of a Bali Declaration.
Indonesian Environment Minister Barthalzar Kambuaya said he was pleased that the conference produced a number of agreements to protect the ozone layer from the use of various chemical compounds that might deplete the ozone layer.
He asked participating countries to provide materials as a substitute for ozone-depleting substances.
The Bali Declaration encouraged all countries to use alternative substances that had the lower potential of contributing to global warming by phasing out or eliminating the use of such chemical as HCFC.
The declaration also called on all countries to make a further study on the use of the alternative substances from the standpoint of technical, economic, health and safety aspects.
It also called on developed countries to provide financial and technical assistance including transfer of technology to countries trying to switch to the alternative substances.(*)