Kuta (Antara Bali) - Pilot and co-pilot of the ill-fated Lion Air plane that landed in shallow water before reaching the runway of Ngurah Rai airport in Denpasar Saturday afternoon will undergo a urine test, air transportation director general said.
"We will ask them (pilot and co-pilot) to undergo a test relating to drug abuse," air transportation director general, Herry Bakti said in Ngurah Rai international airport here on Saturday night.
According to him, an investigation team of the Indonesian National Committee for Transportation Safety (KNKT) has arrived in Bali to investigate the tragic accident along with investigation to be carried out by the air transportation directorate.
The pilot (Kaptain Mahlup Ghozali) and co-pilot (Chirag Carla, an Indian national), are senior pilots, he said, adding that they will be questioned regarding the accident.
"We inline with the KNKT will investigate on what really happened," Herry said, explaining that the pilot should make a written report before being interviewed. (*/DWA)