Denpasar (Antara Bali) - The South Kuta police are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a family of three and their domestic helpers from their house in a residential district in Nusa Dua.
Made Purnabawa (27), his wife, Ni Luh Ayu Sri Mayahoni (27) and their daughter, Ni Wayan Krisna Ayu Dewi (9), together with their driver, maid and the maid's child have been missing from their house at the Kampial Residence II housing complex since Thursday (Feb 16), South Kuta police spokesman Adjunct Commissioner Ida Bagus Mada Sarjana said here Saturday.
The first person who had reported the household's disappearance was a relative, Komang Arianti, who had previously tried to contact the family with his cellphone several times without success.
Police officers who came to the house to investigate found blood stains on the floor of the children's room and a loose tooth. Blood stains were also spotted on the garage's floor. The house lights and the airconditioning system were still on.
The famly's Inova van and two motorcycles were gone, and so apparently were some jewelry.
"We are now still trying to collect clues that can help us undertsand what really happened and where the family has gone," Adjunct Commssioner Ida Bagus said.(IGT/T007)