Subang (Antara Bali) - Indonesia is building a high energetic material center in the compound of PT Dahana in Subang, West Java, to meet the needs of its military.
"I support this project because our challenge is to stop importing propellant materials," Research and Technology Minister Gusti Mohammad Hatta said during a visit to PT Dahana, a state-owned high energetic materials (explosives) company in Subang, West Java, on Friday.
The minister had come to the company to witness the signing of a cooperation agreement between PT Dahana and the National Aviation and Space Institute (Lapan). Also present at the ceremony was Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) chief Marzan A Iskandar.
The minister said Indonesia was determined to achieve independence in defense technology expertise, including in the production of propellants like rocket fuel.
"But military industries must also support themselves by also turning out commercial products. In addition , they also have to cooperate with research institutes to develop materials to make such things as rockets," Gusti said.
Meanwhile, PT Dahana Director Tanto Dirgantoro said, since the high emergetic material center project was kicked off by Defense Minister Puronom Yusgiantoro in 2010, the company's activities to make propelleants were centered at its plant in Subang.
The center itself as a whole was scheduled for completion in and be the largest of its kind in the ASEAN region.(IGT/T007)