Denpasar (Antara Bali) - The Bali police have arrested two foreign inmates who fled from Kerobokan penitentiary recently in Dili, Timor Leste. "Based on preliminary information, the two prisoners were arrested in Dili," a spokesman of Bali police Adjunct Senior Commissioner Hengky Widjaja said here on Thursday.
The two prisoners are Syed Mohammed Said, 31, of India and Dimitar Nikolov Iliev alias Kermi, 43, of Bulgaria. There is no further information on the arrest, and the two inmates would be returned to Indonesia soon.
Meanwhile, two other foreign prisoners are still at large. The two inmates are Shaun Edward Davidson alias Eddie Lonsdale alias Michael John Bayman Bin Eddi, 33, of Australia and Tee Kok King Bin Tee Kim Sai, 50, of Malaysia.
The police have worked closely with immigration offices and Dili`s police to arrest the prisoners. Earlier on Monday, four foreign inmates escaped from Kerobokan prison in Badung district through a narrow tunnel dug under the walls.
The four men were believed to have escaped through a 50 centimeters by 70 centimeters hole in a wall that connects to a tunnel leading to a main road. The police had distributed pictures of the escaped inmates to police stations across Bali.
Davidson is serving a one-year sentence for an immigration offence, while Iliev is serving a seven-year sentence for money laundering and another offence. Said and King are serving 14 and seven years, respectively, for drug offences. (WDY)