Mecca (Antara Bali) - The death toll of Indonesians in the Mina Tragedy has risen to 46 from the previous report of 41, according to Head of the Mecca working area of the Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims Committee (PPIH) Arsyad Hidayat.
"The number of Indonesian Hajj pilgrims killed in the incident based on our previous release is 45, but now, the number has risen to 46. Another person named Dahlia Sulaiman Hamdan of the Batam flight batch BTH 14 with passport number A3689002 was confirmed dead," Hidayat noted here in the wee hours of Tuesday.
He remarked that the number of Indonesian Hajj pilgrims undergoing treatment at the Saudi government hospital had reduced to seven patients after three of them had been allowed to return to their respective boarding facilities.
The three pilgrims are Zulaiaha Lutan Alam, Arninda Idris Usman, and Fadilah Abdul Karim Nurdin. They are all from the Batam flight batch BTH 14.
The flight batches comprising 90 Indonesians who have not yet returned to their boarding facilities since the incident took place on Thursday morning, September 24, are as follows:
1. Flight Batch 14, embarkation Batam (BTH 14), 11 pilgrims.
2. Flight Batch 61, embarkation Jakarta-Bekasi (JKS 61), 46 pilgrims.
3. Flight Batch 10, embarkation Makasar (UPG 10), five pilgrims.
4. Flight Batch 62, embarkation Solo (SOC 62), six pilgrims.
5. Flight Batch 48, embarkation Surabaya (SUB 48), 12 pilgrims.
6. Flight Batch 28, embarkation Surabaya (SUB 28), four pilgrims.
7. Flight Batch 5, embarkation Balikpapan (BPN 05), one pilgrim.
8. Flight Batch 3, embarkation Jakarta-Pondok Gede (JKG 33), one pilgrim.
9. Flight Batch 21, embarkation Jakarta-Bekasi (JKS21), one pilgrim.
10. Flight Batch 9, embarkation Lombok (LOP 09), one pilgrim.
11. Flight Batch 34, embarkation Surabaya (SUB 34), one pilgrim.
"The increase in the number of those pilgrims who had not returned to their accommodation is due to the fact that the nafar sani ritual was completed only yesterday, so the chiefs of their flight batches reported the missing members only in the afternoon on September 28," said Hidayat.
He noted that the PPIH will continue to search for the Indonesian pilgrims, who had not yet returned to their boarding rooms, at hospitals and at the Al Muasim morgue. (WDY)