Surabaya, E Java (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) of Surabaya chapter has asked banks to lower their lending rate to 8 percent from 13 percent previously to improve the business worlds competitive edge.
"In general, national banks have good performance and see their profit rising," chief of the chamber of Surabaya chapter Jamhadi said here on Sunday.
However, all businesses related to oil and gas recorded sluggish growth due to declining oil prices and Chinese economic slowdown, he said.
"This is global phenomenon. What is more, the prices of commodities are heavily dependent on oil prices," he said.
He said domestic banks including state-owned Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) which focus on micro businesses and sharia compliant banks have always survived in any economic condition.
"In fact, BRI plans to recruit three thousand workers to increase the absorption of micro business credit," he said.
Since the 2008 crisis engulfed many countries, the banking industry has become a global issue particularly at a G20 meeting, he said.
"While many workers are laid off, the allowances and bonuses of bank employees continue to increase rapidly," he said.(WDY)