Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Darmin Nasution said on Thursday that monetary conditions will not be affected by the terror attacks that took place in Jakarta on Thursday.
"No, they will not (be affected). The stock exchange has returned to its normal condition and so there is no need to worry about the monetary conditions," he said at the presidential palace.
He said he hoped the incident would not be blown up excessively to make the situation fearful and hurt the countrys monetary performance.
Darmin further stated that it was normal for the market to react after the incident had happened, but "it must not be blown up. It is alright for a reaction to happen but it will be normal again by tomorrow."
The minister said he had monitored the market until closing time on Thursday evening and had seen no sign of excessive reaction, with regards to the rupiah exchange rate against the U.S. dollar.
Even the Jakarta share price index remained normal, he pointed out.
Darmin said the incident had been dealt with by the relevant authorities and called on people to remain calm and not to overreact.
"We can say that the impact is not much as it was handled quickly and so it has waned," he said.(WDY)