Paris (Antara Bali/Xinhua-OANA) - A draft agreement released at the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21) on Wednesday has the "ingredients for an ambitious outcome," according to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
However, "hard decisions" lay ahead of nations in the coming days, WWF's head of delegation to COP21 Tasneem Essop warned.
"Ministers now have just two days to decide to either put us on a path that will limit us to 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming or towards a 3 degrees Celsius world," Essop said.
The French presidency of the climate summit earlier on Wednesday released a revised version of the global agreement, whittled down to 29 pages from 48 pages. The text will be further debated and refined in the coming days.
The draft currently includes more options to improve their current climate pledges before 2020.
However, Essop underlined countries still needed to "close existing loopholes to make sure any pre-2020 review is comprehensive."
The final agreement should cover "adaptation, finance and emissions reductions and should not let some countries off the hook," she said. (WDY)