Jakarta (Antara Bali) - contra corruption behavior Index 2014 released by the Central Bureau of Statistics noted Indonesian people tend to behave anti-corruption, which is visible from the index value of 3.61 on a scale of zero to five.
"This figure is slightly lower than the performance in 2013 is 3.63, but is still higher than the performance in 2012 of 3.55," BPS chief Suryamin in exposure on Friday.
Suryamin explain the assessment in this index, which is when the value is closer to five then shows that people behave more anti-corruption, otherwise the value of the index is close to zero means that the more permissive society against corruption.
"The value of 3.61 has been included in the category of contra corruption, which means that the culture of` zero tolerance` against corruption is embedded and embodied in people's behavior, "he said.
Meanwhile, the index recorded an urban community that is 3.71 higher than that of the rural population reached 3.51 and index among men was slightly higher at 3.64 compared to women who reach 3.59.
"Meanwhile, the higher the education, the more anti-corruption, which is visible from junior educated society down the index of 3.52, 3.85 and above high school senior at 4.01," said Suryamin.
This index is the result of contra corruption survey conducted in 33 provinces, 170 districts of the city with a sample of 10,000 households, as well as data collection that includes public opinion on the habits and experiences related to public service.
The survey was conducted by Presidential Decree No. 55 of 2012 on the National Strategy for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption, and an analysis of anti-corruption in this survey only to national-level representation.
Various examples of questions related to the experience of society pay more money to accelerate the maintenance of public services, experience more money requested by the officer in matters of public service and experience offered assistance to be accepted into PNS / private.
Index based on three main sources of information that is the opinion of the roots of corruption in the public behavioral habits, experiences related to corruption of certain public services as well as the experience of other corrupt practices. (MFD)