Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) said the strong inflows of foreign funds to the domestic market reflects the confidence of global investors in the countrys economy.
Foreign investors were confident that the country would continue to post a health economic growth, A BEI director Hoesen said here on Tuesday.
Based on data at BEI, in the first quarter of 2014, foreign net buy of Rp24.622 trillion or an increase of 31.22 percent from Rp18.765 trillion in the same period last year.
Meanwhile, the chief researcher of MNC Securities Edwin Sebayang, said, the countrys economic growth this year would be as high as predicted by the government.
"As announced by the Central Bureau of Statistics, the inflation in March was only 0.08 percent as expected by the market5," he pointed out.
Investors also have good expectation about the legislative and presidential elections, he said.
"In addition, the candidates to lead the country are also quite acceptable to the financial market," he said.