Jakarta (Antara Bali) - An internist has called on the country's Food and Drug Supervision Board (BPOM) to put in order advertisements on ulcer drugs on television in the current fasting month.
"The government, in this case BPOM, should be watchful of misleading drug advertisements," Ari Faharial Syam, an internist of the Gastroenterology Division of the Medical Faculty of the University of Indonesia, said here on Sunday.
He said there were exaggerated advertisements in promoting drugs, saying they will prevent ulcer problems during fasting, while in fact the drugs were only used to reduce complaint about the disease.
In theory, consumption of ulcer drugs should have dropped during the fasting month because people have meals orderly, reduce unhealthy snacks and smoking and increase their self control.
"This is why ulcer patients feel well, even feel they are cured when fasting. So, consumption of drugs in the fasting month should decrease," he said.
Ari said that there were advertisements suggesting that people should consume certain ulcer medicines for ulcer problem prevention while the drugs contain antacids. Antacids should be taken only if there is ulcer complaint. (*/DWA)