Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian currency rupiah gained 92 points against the US dollar this morning on investors growing confidence in risky currencies.
Samuel Sekuritas analyst Lana Soelistianingsih said here Thursday investors' interest in risky assets was aroused by Bank of Japan's announcement of monetary stimulus which has boosted purchases of risky assets to 10 trillion yens.
Rupiah traded at 9,448 to the US dollar in inter-bank transactions today strengthening from the level of 9,540. "Domestic sentiments are not strong. Rupiah strengthening was driven by external factors," Lana said.
The election for a new governor in Jakarta drew investors' attentions but it has no much effect, she said.
He said the Japanese central bank will ease its monetary policy by abolishing the requirement of minimum return of bonds it is to buy and increase the budget for asset purchases. "BoJ is following the steps of other central banks in providing additional stimulus to boost economic growth," he said.
The monetary policy is expected to push up inflation but at the same time it would awaken the Japanese economy from torpidity, he said.
TrustSecurities analyst Reza Priyambada said the BoJ monetary stimulus gave positive sentiment but the market players are also worried by the effects of the tension between Japan and China over territorial dispute.
The dispute could slowdown Japan's efforts for economic recovery, Reza said.
"There is also negative sentiment from Europe with Spain delaying holding out request for bailout, which is a requirement for European Central Bank's buying bonds issued by ailing economies in the euro zone, he said.(*/T007)