Timika, Papua (Antara Bali) - Papuan police on Wednesday tried to rescue passengers of 26 cars transporting food and building materials, which were shot at by a group of unidentified gunmen, in the Puncak Jaya district, a police official said on Thursday.
Puncak Jaya Police chief, Senior Adjunct Commissioner Marcelis said he has instructed his team to be prepared to evacuate the passengers trapped in the cars bearing carrying food and building materials from Wamena.
"A civilian, who has been identified as 26-year-old Tilu or Kasera has sustained injuries on his neck and chest during the shooting," Marcelis pointed out.
The incident took place when a group of gunmen burnt two out of the 30 cars, which were accompanied by the Army Infantry Battalion (Yonif) 753, during the eight-hour trip.
Marcelis stated that the trapped cars are still in the Tingginambut sub-district of Puncak Jaya, adding that the police were still investigating if there are any other civilian passengers in those cars.
Meanwhile, Tilu has been hospitalized at the Mulia Hospital, and is yet to be evacuated from Puncak Jaya.(*/T007)