Delft (Antara Bali) - Indonesian students who are members of the Indonesian Students Association (PPI) Delft will perform two traditional dances at a multicultural event to be organized by Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the Netherlands, on August 30, 2012.
"We will perform jali-jali and sipatokaan dances at the event," chairman of PPI Delft Sayuta Senobua said here Tuesday.
According to him, the event is the final series of the introduction program to welcome the new international students who will study at the technology university at the undergraduate and master levels.
Jali-jali dance from Betawi (another name of Jakarta) will be performed by some Indonesian students while Sipatokaan dance coming from North Sulawesi will be presented by some Indonesian children.
"Sipatokaan's movement and rhythm are very dynamic and cheerful so it (the dance) fits to be carried by children. They (the dancers) are the children of Indonesian families who live in The Hague and Schiedam and the students who are studying in Delft," he explained.(IGT/T007)