Denpasar (Antara Bali) - The Bali provincial administration is optimistic that nine Balinese traditional dances will be recongnized by UNESCO as part of the World non-object Cultural Heritage during a meeting on December 1 and 2.
"The nine dances have been entered into UNESCO`s list. The chance of them being accepted is 98 percent," the Head of Culture Office, Dewa Putu Beratha, said here on Thursday.
The nine Balinese dances are Barong Ket, Joged, Legong Kraton, Wayang Wong Drama Dance, Gambuh Drama Dance, Topeng Sidakarya, Baris Upacara, Sanghyang Dedari and Rejang.
"UNESCO will convene on December 1 and 2," he added.
A Balinese cultural humanist Prof. I Made Bandem is also optimistic that the nine dances will be recognized by UNESCO.
"The Ministry of Education and Culture has set the nine dances as the national non-objects of Cultural Heritage," he said.
This is a guarantee for UNESCO that the proposed dances will be maintained by the government and community.
"I am optimistic we can get funding to preserve the dances. It will convince UNESCO to give recognition to the nine traditional dances," Made said. (WDY)