Makassar (Antara Bali) - Minister of Health Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih said the maternal mortality rate was difficult to reduce to meet Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), hence a breakthrough was needed.
"We have to make innovations and breakthrough and focus on priorities. This regulation can be implemented only with the support of all sectors, regional government and stakeholders to do business as usual. We make smart works," said the Minister here, on Sunday.
The fifth MDG's target is to reduce the maternal mortality rate to 102 per 100,000 of live births in 2015.
Meanwhile, the result of Basic Survey of Indonesian Health (SDKI) 2007 showed that the mortality rate has decreased to 228 per 100,000 of live births, but according to linear regression analysis in the 1994-2007 period, the maternal mortality rate by 2015 of 161 per 100,000 of live births would still have to be achieved.
"Here we need many breakthroughs and support from all," she said.
In order to achieve the target, since 2011 the government has been implementing a childbirth Health Care Security Program (Jampersal) for pregnant women who have no other security programs.(IGT)