Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian government and the Olympic
Council of Asia (OCA) have agreed on several amendments to the contract
to host the Asian Games 2018, including addendum on the use of sponsor
funds from local and foreign companies.
"We have signed several amendments to the contract to host the
Asian Games 2018. In principle, the amendments are aimed at ensuring the
smooth organization of the Asian Games, improving the quality of
competitions and clarifying each others responsibilities," Vice
President Jusuf Kalla, who is also the chief of the events steering
committee said following a meeting with OCA President Sheikh Ahmad Al
Fahad Al Sabah here on Sunday.
Kalla said a number of domestic and foreign sponsors have agreed on
the cooperation to organize the Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta and
Palembang, South Sumatra.
OCA President Ahmad Al Fahad said the council remains committed to
cooperating flexibly with the Indonesian government to make the 18th
Asian Games a success.
"We have reached a good common agreement through addendum and this
agreement will create mutually beneficial situation for all sides," he
Ahmad Al Fahad said the Asian Games 2018 will be one of the modern
multi-sport events in Asia in accordance with the agenda of the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2020.
"One of the things we have taken into account is lowering operating
expenses. We have decided not to build new facilities and we prefer to
renovate the existing facilities to adjust to the city development plan
of the host," he said.
Chief of the Indonesia Asian Games 2018 Organizing Committee
(INASGOC) Erick Thohir said Indonesia can use the sponsor funds without
having to wait for the opening of the Asian Games 2018 on August 18 next
year after both sides have agreed on the amendments to the contract.(*)
Indonesia, OCA Agree on Amendments to Contract for Asian Games 2018
Senin, 16 Oktober 2017 10:30 WIB

Vice President Jusuf Kalla (right) discussed with the President of the OCA Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah while giving information to journalists after holding a meeting at the Office of Inasgoc Jakarta. (ANTARA FOTO/Wahyu Putro A/wdy/2017)