Tegal, Central Java (Antara Bali) - A navy helicopter made an emergency landing in a field in Padaharja, Kramat sub-district, Tegal, Central Java, on Wednesday because of bad weather.
The pilot of the HU-417 helicopter of Squadron 400 said he had to make the emergency landing because visibility was too low.
"Visibility was only 10 meters so it would have been dangerous if we continued the flight," he said.
He said he was on the way from Surabaya in East Java to Jakarta when suddenly the weather turned bad and winds were very strong at around 12.30 hours.
He said he should have landed in Jakarta by now as the flight by helicopter would only take around 3.5 hours.
"But because of the bad weather we had to stop the journey and landed in Tegal." He had landed in Semarang before because of rain and for refueling.
Tegal navy base commander Lt. Col Frich Flack said this was the second incident.
"Initially we did not know that a helicopter had landed in Kramat because there was no information from the central command. I have suggested they would fly on Thursday while waiting for the weather to clear up," he said.(T007)