Denpasar, Bali (Antara Bali) - Many workers in Bali lost jobs especially in the trade, hotel and restaurant sector as a result of the flagging economy in the second quarter of this year.
"The Survey on Business Activity (SKDU) recorded a decline in the number of employees in the second quarter from the previous quarter," head of the representative office of Bank Indonesia in Bali Dewi Setyowati said here on Monday without giving number.
Meanwhile,there was no mew recruitment in the second quarter in the business sector,Setyowati said.
In the third quarter, however, improvement is predicted the trade, hotel and restaurant sector and construction sectors, she said.
Business players predicted there would be new jobs open in the two sectors to follow the high season and implementation of a number of infrastructure projects of the government in Bali.
Setyowati said in the past three years unemployment rate was high in the regency of Jembrana and the city of Denpasar compared with other areas in Bali.
Rapid development in Denpasar has drawn migrants resulting in an increase in the number of jobless people in the city as most of the migrants had no skills needed in the city.
However, altogether, unemployment rate in Bali has tended to decline in the past three years.
In February , 2015 , the number of jobless people in Bali totaled 33,610 or 1.37 percent of the number of employed people.
The trade, hotel and restaurant sector accounted for the largest number of 721,776 working people or 29.76 percent of the total number of working people in Bali this year.
The percentage rose from 28.38 percent in 2014.
Meanwhile, the agricultural sector has continued to decline in percentage of working people.
The agricultural sector, however, remains a significant contributor to the number of working people in Bali reaching 569,493 workers or 23.48 percent of the total number of working people in Bali.
The manufacturing sector and the community service sector also account for a significant number of working people in Bali totaling 398,873 in February, 2015. (WDY)