Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi has appealed to people to protect themselves from the danger of smoke from forest fires that are affecting some areas of Sumatra and Kalimantan.
"The smoke causes pollution, impair breathing and vision," Nafsiah Mboi said here on Monday.
Because of the harmful effects, people were advised to reduce outdoor activities if they were not important, she said.
"If you go out of your house, you must wear a mask," she said.
She remarked that the local health office has distributed masks among residents and familiarized them with how to keep health during pollution.
Chief of the ministry's Health Research and Development Agency (Balitbangkes) Tjandra Yoga explained that the smoke of forest fires could cause lung and respiratory disorders such as upper track respiratory infection (ISPA), asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.
Moreover, smoke could also cause disturbances to other organs, such as eyes (irritation and inflammation), nasal (irritation and allergies) and skin disorder. Besides it could exacerbate chronic diseases.
To prevent smoke-related diseases, Tjandra said that the community should avoid or reduce smoke inhalation by limiting outdoor activities, wearing masks and preventing smoke from getting into houses.
He said people should also have clean and healthy life behavior to increase endurance, while those who suffer from chronic diseases are asked to be checked up.
"General activity also needs to be improved such as keeping and closing the wells. Food and beverages should be cooked well," he added. (WDY)