Bandung (Antara Bali) - The Middle East is now among the top ten sources of tourist arrivals in Indonesia, with the number of tourists showing an upward trend, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sapta Nirwandar said.
"The latest data show the number of tourist arrivals from the Middle East ranked 10th at the end of June," he said in a seminar at Sangga Buana University in Bandung on Tuesday.
The significant increase in the number of tourist arrivals from the Middle East was attributable to continued tourism promotion campaigns in the region, he said.
The Middle Eastern tourists mostly came from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates, he said.
He said the tourism campaigns targeted younger generations in the region who were the potential market for the Indonesian tourism industry.
"The tourism promotion has received good responses in the Middle East. We are focusing the promotion on the younger generations in the region. They need other atmosphere outside their countries. And Indonesia offers them alternatives," he said.
The Middle Eastern tourists spent an average of US$3,000 each during their stay in Indonesia, he said. (*/DWA)