Solo (Antara Bali) - Solo, a city in Central Java Province, has planned to organize 24 hours dancing marathon that will be followed by 3,500 dancers to mark the World Dance Day here on Monday.
The seventh Solo's 24-hour dancing event will be started in Dance Department of Indonesia's Dance Institute (ISI) that kicked off by ISI's dance maestro Wahyu Santoso Prabowo and followed by other dance's lectures. "Wahyu is the one who will be dancing 24 hours non stop," said ISI's Rector Slamet Suparno.
Wahyu will dance in accompany of gamelan (Indonesia's traditional music instruments) and perform his popular dances, including Lantoyo dance, Pamungkas dance, Gunungsari dance, Dwi Asmoro dance, Keblat Papat Lima Pancer dance, etc.
From the Department of Dance, Wahyu and the other dancers will move to the ISI's Rectorate Building and the ISI's Hall.
According to Rector Suparno, Solo's ISI was the creator of the World Dance Day celebration in Indonesia and in this seventh commemoration, Bali's ISI in Denpasar has organized the same event.
"Through this event, we do hope the art of traditional dances as well as the contemporary dances will go worldwide and more young generation to be involved," he said. (*/M038)