Medan (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Consumers Institute Foundation (YLKI) has called on consumers to check first shoes before they decide to buy ones to ensure they do not use pig skin.
"We do not want the 'Kickers shoe case' which disappoints and disadvantages consumers to be repeated. This is a lesson that should be observed before buying a product," Abubakar Siddik, the chairman of YLKI for North Sumatra, said here on Sunday.
He said that there should be no such a case in the future where a product contained haram (not allowed by the Islamic law) substance for Muslims were circulated with a halal (allowed by the Islamic law) label.
"We appeal (to the authority) to stop the circulation of the product and confiscate it at the distributor level," Abubakar said.
The 'Kickers' shoe case should not necessarily happen if the shoe producer was open and fair to the public.
After all, the producer involved the name of an Islamic institution, namely the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI), he said. (*/T007)
Check It Before Buying Shoes
Minggu, 13 Januari 2013 19:08 WIB