Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Muslim group Jama'ah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT) denounced on Sunday the murder by anti-terrorist squad Densus 88 of seven Muslims suspected of involvement in terrorist acts.
"What is clear, they are Muslims. And what has become cause for major concern is that two of them were killed at the terrace of Nur Alfiah Mosque in the premises of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital in Makassar on Friday (Jan 4)," the group's spokesman, Son Hadi, said in a press statement released on Sunday.
The murder could be categorized as extra judicial killing and gross human rights violation, he said.
Therefore, competent parties, including the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) and the National Police (Polri) must thoroughly investigate the case, he added.
"This (the murder case) extremely spoils religious and humanity norms. We press for the immediate formation of an independent fact-finding team to uncover the murder case," he said.
He appealed to all elements of the Muslim community, ulemas in particular to be wary of anti-Islam movement which tries to exploit the Densus 88 to fight Islam and Muslims on the pretext of combating terrorism.
Police said earlier the Densus 88 had arrested 11 terrorist suspects on Friday and Saturday. Seven of them were shot dead. Six of the 11 suspects were arrested in Makassar, South Sulawesi, and five others in Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara, on Friday and Saturday.
Three of the five suspects shot dead in Dompu were identified as Roy, Bahtiar and Andi Brekele, while the other two remained unidentified.
Two suspects shot dead in Makassar were identified as Abu Uswah and Hassan. Four suspects arrested alive are identified as Thamrin, Arbain, Syarifudin and Fadli.
Head of the Public Information Bureau at the National Police Headquarters Brig. Gen. Boy Rafli Amar said on Saturday the Densus 88 found a place believed to have been used to assemble bombs in Dompu.
Police officers opened fire at the suspected terrorists because they had firearms, he said. "The incident occurred on Friday evening (Jan 4) shortly after they had gone down from the training ground. Two people were killed. They were identified as Roy and Bahtiar," he said.
On Saturday morning, the police raided the training ground believed to have been used to assemble bombs. The police opened fire at the suspected terrorists who were strongly believed to control explosives in the training ground, he said. (*/T007)