Medan (Antara Bali) - Indonesia's crude palm oil production in 2013 is estimated to increase maximally by around 10 percent to 28 million tons, according to Derom Bangun.
The chairman of the Indonesia Palm Oil Council said here on Thursday "this year's production is predicted to reach only around 25.5 tons."
He admitted it would be difficult to increase the production above 10 percent because in the past few years development of new plantations has been very small due to problems in procuring the land for it.
In addition to that efforts to develop oil palm plantations have also been hindered by various domestic and foreign government policies including oil palm moratorium, he said.
"Only in 1990-1995 could the national production increase up to 13 percent a year but after that production has never reached that level, due to land procurement problems" he said.
Bangun expressed concern over the situation as demand is expected to rise due to increasing needs driven by increasing population and industries.(IGT)