Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung (Antara Bali) - According to the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), nuclear energy is a safe solution to address global warming, since it is environmentally friendly.
"As an alternative energy source to fossil fuels, nuclear energy is environmentally friendly because it does not cause pollution," said Dedy Miharja, Head of the Evaluation and Documentation Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Dissemination, on Monday.
Dedy explained that compared to fossil fuels, nuclear energy is cleaner because it does not emit dangerous gases such as CO2 (carbon dioxide), SOX (sulphur dioxide) and NOX (nitrogen dioxide).
"It is estimated that every year, 25 billion tonnes of CO2 are released into the atmosphere, causing greenhouse effect, which ultimately leads to global warming," he added.
Nuclear is considered environmentally friendly because it is able to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which are produced by burning fossil fuels. In addition, plutonium nuclear waste can be stored and reused as fuel.
"In developed countries, plutonium is stored and reused as fuel or as one of basic components of nuclear weapons. Our nuclear development is not for creating weapons; we only use it for fuel," Dedy said.(*/DWA)