Denpasar (Antara Bali) - A special collaboration in traditional Balinese-Javanese-India wayang show will be on stage performed by students from Puppeteer Study Performing Arts Faculty of Indonesian Institute of Art Denpasar.
"It will be involved 76 student performers and lecturers and we need more than a full month preparation," says the coordinator, I Dewa Ketut Wicaksana, accompanied by arranger, I Nyoman Catra, in Denpasar, Saturday.
Met in the middle of the last exercise, Wicaksana says, the soon collaboration wayang performance will need two big screen and one stage. The wayang performance will conducted in Candra Metu Building, inside the ISI Denpasar's campuss in Sunday evening at 20.00 WITA.
They give name the performance as "Manunggaling Shanta Shanti Sasuluh Urip" and it will be open to the public.
The two big screens, he says, will be using for the classical Balinese and Javanese leather puppet performances, and the stage dedicated to a puppet master from India and other performance's supporters.
At least three famous puppet masters involved with the performance, namely Dru Hendro in Javanese classical wayang, I Ketut Sudiana for traditional Balinese wayang, and their colleague, Lucky Buth from India.
In brief, an actor as Yogiswara who brings the Devi Saraswati's puppet string inherited the "Goddess of Knowledge" inside his body and soul. Those inheritances come from the Devi's literatures that possess in Yogiswara.
He explain some intro of the performance, which start with a Yogiswara with the accompaniment of Wirama's soft voice, and India's song come to the air as a back ground.
As Wicaksana explains, the innovative international collaboration performance is belong to the special programme called Competition Grant Programme B Art IV Year 2009. It went to Puppeteer Study and Pure Finearts Faculty of Indonesian Institute of Art Denpasar as the champion.
"The programme was built to transform humanistic values and multiculturalism by art creativity. We hope, by international cooperation through this kind local artist involvement's collaboration may produce such humanism and multiculturalism," says him.(*)