Bengkulu (Antara Bali) - Wide forest areas as habitats of rare animal species in the province of Bengkulu have been damaged on rampant illegal logging.
One of the areas badly damaged is the Nature Tourism Park of Elephant Conservation Center in Seblat in the regency of North Bengkulu.
Illegal logging remains rampant in the area, which is home to tens of wild animals including elephants , Sumatra tiger (Phantera Tigris Sumatrae) and Malayan bears .
Meanwhile, coal miners are seeking to expand their operation into the protected forest areas, says Erni Suyanti Musabine , an official in charge of the conservation center.
Erni said so far there had been four applications for license to explore for coal in the 7,000 hectare area.
"Applications for coal exploration license have kept coming in whereas the Seblat conservation center was just given the status of nature tourism park from earlier status of production forests," she said on Tuesday.(IGT)
Habitat Rare Animal Species Damaged
Selasa, 10 Juli 2012 14:22 WIB