Jakarta (Antara Bali) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked for inputs on the framework of making policies with regard to rallies and government policies from a number of Islamic social organizations at the State Palace in Jakarta Wednesday evening.
"I asked for inputs from the leaders of Islamic organizations on the framework of making policies with regard to rallies and government policy," the president who was accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Minister/State Secretary Pratikno and Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saefuddin, said.
On the occasion, the president also thanked all parties which took part in guarding the November 4 rallies, enabling the demonstration to run peacefully in an orderly manner.
"Thanks for the soothing statements so that the demonstration was held in a peaceful and orderly manner," the head of state said.
He appreciated the aspirations delivered during the rallies and although he could not meet the demonstrators directly, he had asked the vice president, the minister religious affairs, the coordinating minister for legal and security affairs and the minister/state secretary to meet the demonstrators, the president said.
"On the occasion, (the government) has assured that the case would take the legal process speedily and transparently. I should stress that I will not intervene in the case, let alone protecting Basuki Tjahaja Purnama in his legal process. There is nothing that should be covered up so that there should be no suspicion," he said.
He asked all leaders of Islamic organizations to help cool down tempers and to tighten solidarity so that tension within the society could be calmed down immediately.
"I hope we will remain united in the diversity and togetherness so that it would serve as an example for the world that Indonesia is able to build harmony and peace in diversity," he said.
The Islamic organizations which were invited by the president included the Al Irsyad Al Islamiah, Jamiiyatul Washliyah, Ikadi, Perti, Majelis Rasulullah, Syarikat Islam, Nasyiatul Aisyiah, Muslimat NU, KAHMI, Mathlaul Anwar and Hidayatullah.
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims held rallies in Jakarta on Friday, November 4, to protest against a blasphemous statement made by Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (Ahok) recently.
House Speaker Ade Komarudin praised 200 thousand Muslims for holding the peaceful rally in a show of support for the edict issued by the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) against Purnama.
The edict was issued following an alleged case of blasphemy involving certain remarks made by the governor.
"They maintained security, public order and cleanliness around the venue of the demonstration. This is a very good example," he said in a written statement released Friday.
The November 4 rally showed that Islam in Indonesia is friendly, peaceful and seeks Rahmatan lil alamin (blessing for the universe), he stated.
At the rally, the demonstrators urged law enforcement agencies to take legal action against Ahok for the alleged blasphemous statement concerning the Holy Quran.(WDY)