Batam, Riau (Antara Bali) - A Pekanbaru-bound Lion Air plane was forced to land at Hang Nadim Airport in Batam on Tuesday because of bad weather.
"It was impossible for the plane to land in Pekanbaru when the weather was bad. The plane landed at Hang Nadim airport while waiting for good weather in Pekanbaru," the airport's spokesman Sumarso said.
The Boeing 737-900ER plane which carried 217 passengers landed at the airport at 04.26 p.m., he said.
"The plane had awaited at Hang Nadim Airport for almost two hours before it was allowed to fly to Pekanbaru at 06.24 p.m. when the weather there returned to normal," he said.
Pekanbaru- and Singapore-bound planes very often land at Hang Nadim Airport when the weather in the two areas is bad, he said.
Zaenal Abidin, a passenger, said the plane had hovered above Sultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport in Pekanbaru before the pilot decided to land at Hang Nadim Airport.
"It was raining so hard that it was very dangerous for the plane to land in Pekanbaru," he said. (*/DWA)