Tanah Laut (Antara Bali) - Nuclear technology has long been developed in Indonesia but the public still focuses on its potential negative impact, according to National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) researcher Haryanto.
"Indonesia has developed nuclear technology for a long time, and the people have enjoyed its benefits in the health and agriculture sector, but they continue to focus on its negative aspects," he said here on Monday.
"When they think of nuclear technology, they only think about the atom bomb attack in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the leakage of Fukhusima nuclear reactor in Japan," Haryanto noted.
"But nuclear technology has contributed significantly to agricultural development in our country," he said, adding that nuclear technology had been used in Indonesia's agricultural sector for a long time.
Haryanto pointed out that a variety of rice seeds were produced in Batan with the help of nuclear technology.(IGT)