Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Vice President Boediono on behalf of the government expressed the highest appreciation for the late Emma Norma Sudharmono who has been with full loyalty standing beside her husband, now the late Vice President Sudharmono, when performing his state duties.
"On behalf of the state and nation, I expressed my appreciations for the deceased along with my prayers for best place in heaven in accordance with all her services, and may God Almighty forgive her sins," Vice President Boediono said when as inspector of ceremony addressed the funeral of Hajjah Ratu Emma Norma Sudharmono at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery here Thursday.
Boediono said that the deceased has given an example in the form of patience, determination and loyalty when standing beside the late Sudharmono from the beginning of his services to the state and nation both in military as well state tasks as Secretary of the Cabinet Presidium, Cabinet Secretary, Minister and State Secretary, up to the time when Sudharmono became Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.
"The deceased has also given a good example in her devotions in building a family, children, grand children and great great grand children, as well as her services to the people through social organizations," Boediono added.
Ny Emma Soedharmono passed away for complications of her internal diseases.(DWA/IGT)