Manado (Antara Bali) - National Police (Polri) Chief Gen Timur Pradopo has urged North Sulawesi province to be wary of cross-country crimes.
"Cross-country crimes such as terrorism and drug smuggling must be anticipated," the National Police chief said at a meeting with North Sulawesi government officials here on Wednesday night.
Timur and National Defence Forces (TNI) Chief Admiral Agus Suhartono were present at the meeting with North Sulawesi Governor Sinyo Sarudajang, deputy governor Djouhari Kansil, district and deputy district heads, police and TNI officials, and religious figures of the province.
At the meeting, Timur stated everyone in the province should be on guard against cross-country crimes.
"What we have been doing so far to tackle cross-country crimes is well enough, but we have to step it up," he said, while praising the various Polri and TNI activities in North Sulawesi and the synergy among Polri, TNI, and the government.
Meanwhile, Agus also expressed appreciation for the cooperation between Polri and TNI in North Sulawesi.(IGT)