Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Jakarta Metropolitan Police has cyber crime investigation satellite which was built in cooperation with the National Police (Polri) and Australian Federal Police (AFP), police has said.

"The satellite is able to uncover the offender of international crimes because cyber crime by using internet is increasing rapidly," the deputy chief of National Police, Commissioner General Nanan Sukarna said here on Monday.

Nanan noted that Polri and AFP have had good cooperation since 2010, and that the similar satellite would also be installed in five other regional police stations.

Meanwhile, the chief of Indonesian National Police Criminal Investigation Division, Commissioner General Sutarman, said the Cyber Crime Investigation Satellite would help facilitate the disclosure of terrorist networks and to trace their funding.

According to him, the terrorists communicate through internet with electronic mail and text messages. (IGT)


Editor : I Gusti Ketut Agung Wijaya