Yogyakarta (Antara Bali) - Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Commissioner General Budi Waseso has planned that all drug users should undergo legal proceedings in court in 2016 and not just be rehabilitated.
"All drug users must go through the legal process. How good it is for them to use drugs, but they are only rehabilitated," Waseso stated while explaining about the Prevention, Combating Abuses and Illicit Drugs (P4GN) program in Yogyakarta on Tuesday.
The BNN head said all drug users can be prosecuted in court starting 2016, and therefore, the draft of Law No. 35 of 2009 on rehabilitation of drug users should be accelerated.
"It is being discussed and will be filed as soon as possible," he remarked, adding that starting 2016, drug users will no longer just be viewed as victims.
Waseso noted that in addition to the drug dealers, all drug users will also be serving a prison sentence.
He emphasized that the application of the principle of strict law must be pursued as there is an increase in the number of drug users in Indonesia, among others, due to the absence of stringent legal consequences.
He noted that by only requiring drug users to undergo rehabilitation, many more will attempt to try drugs.
Waseso pointed out that there are no drug users in Singapore and Malaysia as they are aware of the consequences of being granted death penalty. (WDY)