Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs
Khofifah Indar Parawansa handed over the compensation amount to 24
families of former of East Timorese but currently residents of Kediri,
East Java.
"The compensation amount that was disbursed reflects the fact that the central government cares for the East Timorese people in Indonesia," the minister said in a written statement received here on Friday.
Disbursement of such compensation funds in Kediri comes in pursuance of the Presidential Decree No. 25 of 2016 on Granting of Compensation to Former Residents of East Timor, domiciled outside the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province.
Compensation of Rp 10 million is allocated for each family, and is provided through a direct assistance mechanism in accordance with Article 2 paragraph (2, 3) of presidential regulation.
The minister explained to the former East Timorese people that the cash assistance will continue even in case of demise of the head of a beneficiary family. The compensation can be given to the beneficiaries in accordance with legislative provisions.
"The beneficiaries are entitled to such compensation given by the government," she added.
In East Java alone, the Social Affairs Minister said Rp30.8 billion worth of funds would be distributed among the formerly East Timorese people living in 38 districts.
The minister also inaugurated a Mutual Cooperation Electronic Warung (E-Warong/E-shop). She will also disburse funds under the Family of Hope Program (PKH) in Kediri and Madiun, planned to be held on Saturday.
The E-Warong has been set up in an effort to implement the program to reduce poverty in Indonesia. Through the E-Warong, recipients of the Family Hope Program are encouraged to become independent. (WDY)
"The compensation amount that was disbursed reflects the fact that the central government cares for the East Timorese people in Indonesia," the minister said in a written statement received here on Friday.
Disbursement of such compensation funds in Kediri comes in pursuance of the Presidential Decree No. 25 of 2016 on Granting of Compensation to Former Residents of East Timor, domiciled outside the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province.
Compensation of Rp 10 million is allocated for each family, and is provided through a direct assistance mechanism in accordance with Article 2 paragraph (2, 3) of presidential regulation.
The minister explained to the former East Timorese people that the cash assistance will continue even in case of demise of the head of a beneficiary family. The compensation can be given to the beneficiaries in accordance with legislative provisions.
"The beneficiaries are entitled to such compensation given by the government," she added.
In East Java alone, the Social Affairs Minister said Rp30.8 billion worth of funds would be distributed among the formerly East Timorese people living in 38 districts.
The minister also inaugurated a Mutual Cooperation Electronic Warung (E-Warong/E-shop). She will also disburse funds under the Family of Hope Program (PKH) in Kediri and Madiun, planned to be held on Saturday.
The E-Warong has been set up in an effort to implement the program to reduce poverty in Indonesia. Through the E-Warong, recipients of the Family Hope Program are encouraged to become independent. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara