Palembang, S Sumatra (Antara Bali)- Tourism Minister Arief Yahya has called for improving road access to tourist destinations in various regions.

If necessary, the maintenance costs can be taken from the central government, the minister stated while speaking at a discussion on regional development here, Tuesday.

Easy access would attract more tourists to visit those destinations, he remarked.

He said South Sumatra, which had successfully organized several international sports events, would be designated as a role model for sports tourism in the country.

South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerdin lauded the plan, saying that the province had an integrated venue Jakabaring to hold any international sports event.

Chairperson of the South Sumatra Development Planning Office Dr Ekowati Retnoningsi stated that the province, which has a huge tourism potential, will develop facilities of international standard. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara