Timika (Antara Bali) - Since July 2009, 15 people have been killed and 54 injured in shootings perpetrated by armed groups near  mines operated by US gold and copper mining company PT Freeport Indonesia, in Mimika District, Papua Province.

PT Freeport is extremely concerned about the continuous terror actions by armed groups, which remain at large, mining company's spokesman Ramdani Sirait said here Thursday.

"We are very much concerned about the shootings which continue to occur, and that the perpetrators are still unknown. We fully support the security authorities in handling the security disturbances," he added.

Ramdani confirmed that several employees of CV Yawapu Jaya were injured in shooting incidents that happened at Mile 37 Tanggul Timur road, Kali Kopi forest area, here on Thursday at about 8.20 am local time.

CV Yawapu Jaya, owned by Herman Apoka, Nayaro kampong chief, and belonging to the Kamoro tribe, is a sub-contractor at PT Freeport and handles reclamation work at Tanggul Barat.

"PT Freeport Indonesia is very serious about protecting the safety and security of our employees, and guaranteeing security at our work place is our main priority," he said.(IGT)


Editor : Masuki