Banda Aceh (Antara Bali) - One dead and seven injured following an earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale that hit Pidie district at 05.26 am on Tuesday.
"A nine-year old girl died after her house was collapsed due to earthquake," Aceh province's Chief of Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Jarwansyah said here on Tuesday.
A major earthquake 6 on the Richter scale on Tuesday caused panic in the coastal city of Banda Aceh, awakening the people still asleep early this morning.
The quake hit at 05.22 local time with epicenter in the sea 84 kilometers deep , 150 kilometers southwest of the capital city of Aceh.
Many people rushed out of their houses in panic, but no immediate report of casualty and damage to property caused by the quake.
"Every time there is a quake we always rush out to be away as far as possible from the coast fearing tsunami," Wahidi, whose house is in the coastal village of Lampoh Daya. (*/DWA/T007)