Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Revision of the Law No. 20 of 1997 on non tax state revenues (PNPB) would be a priority  in 2017, Budget Director General of the Finance Ministry Askolani has said.

"The plan to revise the Law No. 20 of 1997  would be a priority  as we already discussed part of it," Askolani said here on Tuesday.

 He said the revision is aimed at optimizing revenues  from non tax sectors especially as the potential is big though realization is not yet maximum.

"Our hope is the revision would be wrapped up  in 2017 and the result would be optimum, more accountable  and in line with the state budget planning," he said.

One important point in the revision is to oblige all government agencies to periodically update every two years, calculation basis for PNPB tariff, he said.

"In the past sometimes, revision of government regulation on PNPB was made after five to seven years. Now we want to set a time table -  not longer than two years the tariff would be refreshed  as in two years there are many things no longer up to date," he said.

The tariff would be set to meet the requirement, he added.

PBNP in 2014 based on the audit by the Supreme Audit Agency  BPK totaled Rp398.4 trillion  or almost three times the PNPB of Rp146.9 trillion in 2005. .

However, in 2015, PNPB dropped sharply to Rp253.7 trillion as a result of commodity price fall especially oil and gas  and minerals and coal .

BPK  said  significant amount of PNPB not yet paid to the state treasury  in 2015 .

In 2017, the government has set a target for PNPB at Rp250 trillion  taking into account the global economic condition. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara